[WIP] Progress loss and restoring

Hi everyone,

Some players are experiencing progress lost issue with the latest update v2.1.6. We are investigating the issue urgently and will find a fix ASAP.

There are three data loss issues reported in the latest update v2.1.6.

  1. Lost all progress right after the new update
  2. Hours or days of game progress rolled back, eg: unlocked plant went back to locked status overnight, or game saving time stamp rolled back to an earlier date or time
  3. Similar to #2, some part of progress rolled back, however, spent gems did not roll back

If you are affected by issue #1, ie, lost all data right after the update, please leave your old game ID (before the incident), username and new ID (after the incident) in the reply section.

We will try to locate your progress in the database and restore them to your new ID. (Please leave a note if the ID remains the same before and after the incident. We can use the same ID to restore progress too.)

We have made urgent patches to our server end, hoping to fix issue #2 & #3. For those who are having this issue, could you double check for us if the issue goes away on your end?

Thank you very much for your patience and support!

Best regards,

I lost all my game progress, but I don’t know my old game ID. Could my old progress still be restored?


Do you remember your username in the previous progress? Also, can I grab your current ID to further investigate? We might find some information useful to restore your progress. Thank you for your patience!

Old id MPDF69BQi, username Vika
New id vnnc@ipXB

Hi Vika,

The progress has been restored to your new ID. Please let me know if you have any trouble accessing it. Thank you!


I found your old account and progress. The transfer to your new ID is done. Please let me know if you have any issue accessing the progress. Thank you!

Thank you! It’s working!

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I lost all my progress after the update. I was in world 6. I also bought the Amethyst tree. Unfortunately, I don’t know my previous account name. I don’t mind starting all over because it’s fun anyway. But if you could return my Amethyst tree it would be really helpful and I would be grateful as well. Thank you.

Hi hiether,

Sorry to know you are affected by the issue. The good news is that the ID you provided is your previous ID, ie, it remains the same before and after the incident. I’ve refreshed it and you should be able to see your progress back now. Please let me know if you still have any troubles accessing it. Thanks!


It’s been restored! Thank you very much! :slight_smile:

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my username was M3iUG7WbKg and currently is the same one but my old username was JOC!!! and now it’s back to Techsaur. please let me know if my data can be restored…i worked so hard.

Hi joctseng,

We found your progress and have refreshed your account. Please let me know if you having any problems accessing it. Thanks!

Hi Ayang199,

The progress has been restored to your new ID. Please let me know if you have any trouble accessing it. Thank you!

My new game ID is FC_Pq2M5i
I don’t know if it was the same before my progress was lost, but my username is the same: Lenaia P
Hopefully that is enough information :smile:

It’s fixed, thank you so much!

Thanks for fixing it!!!

My old ID was vCZ3hcSKg which I lost my progress in. My new ID vnxQh_*Gg. The username on both is Jessaur. Thanks!!

Hi Jessaur,

The transfer is done. Please let us know if you have any issues accessing the progress. Thank you!

Yay! Thank you I truly appreciate it!!!