Not converting steps to energy

If you get this fixed Please keep me posted. I have the same problem. So frustrating

Will do. Only way I found around this is to log all my steps at the end of the day. However, this not really a satisfactory solution.

Hi guys, do you mean the steps are not converted to energy if it’s from yesterday? If so we have patched this issue with the latest release (which should go live sometime tomorrow). Please leave your id and I’ll send over some compensation for the trouble you’ve gone through!

Thanks for the quick response. Energy conversion very squirrelly today. Looking forward to the update tomorrow. My Id is zqgn5k.

Hi guys, the update is finally live!!! This should fix the conversion issue. Please let me know if you are still having the same issue.

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Congrats on latest update! Game operates much more smoothly and I love choice of avatar. Dark Rush is a great addition.
HOWEVER , I’m still having an energy conversion problem. Added 12,426 steps (19,464-7,038) and received energy for only 10,240. Later I added 8600 steps (28,064-19,464) and received zero energy.
ALSO, no super pass reward tonight.
Thanks for reading this. It’s a great concept and you seem to be working hard to exterminate all the bugs. Looking forward to the next update.

I’m still having the steps to energy problems…I’d really like to level up my charactes, did over 10,000 steps and didn’t get any energy for I from my last few log ins (I log in around the 3000, 5000 range to to check but nothing. Please help.

My problem mostly occurs after the 10k step mark has been reached. Today I added 15,704 steps (26,058 - 10,354) and received energy for only 9.86k. Is there some cut off point I don’t know about?

Hey, I believe in having the same issue. I feel like the only way I actually get energy is from the chest rewards and nothing else. I even had a 10k step bug, and didn’t get the chest reward or energy from that.

I’ve been experiencing the same issue on Android, version 1.1.0, which I believe is the latest version. For example, today, I opened the Fitness Fantasy app six times to update my steps. The number of steps was updated in the app each time, but they only converted into energy the first two times. One time, I reached 10,000 steps and still got the chest, but none of the steps converted into energy. Each day, I have around 3,000 to 5,000 steps that do not get converted into energy. In case it helps, my ID is r6n3gy. Thanks for the fantastic app, and let me know if I can do anything to help resolve this issue.

Thank you for the short id. We’ll investigate today.

Nope, can you please let us know your game id so we can investigate?

My I.d. is zqgn5k. Game working much better today. But like many others, I have no adds.

@sonnet73 @rc11 @Shimurs @Yanner13 Hi, are you using Fitbit? If so, we are working on a urgent fix and will release it as soon as possible. We’ll send over some compensations for the trouble you’ve gone through.

I am using fitbit. Thanks for your hard work

Yes, I’m using Fitbit. Thanks so much!

Also using fitbit. Thanks for working on this.

Not using Fitbit, using Google fit. Problem is less frequent on my end now. Still no ads though.

I got energy for all my steps today!!! Thanks so much for fixing this! I will update my Play Store review to let people know that you’ve been very responsive to issues that come up in the game. Thanks again.

Hi @sonnet73 @rc11 @Shimurs @Yanner13, please upgrade it to our latest version v1.1.2 which should address this issue. Please let me know if it doesn’t!