New skins for techsaur & tree

Sorry but could you just explain if the limited skins are only available for X days before they’re gone from the shop or do they only last for X days and then you have to buy them again?

Hi Blainemuffin,

The limited skin is available for x days before they are gone. Once the skin is purchased, they are to stay permanently. :slight_smile:

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Thank you! How often will there be new ones to purchase? And will the expired skins ever recycle back into the shop or are they gone forever?

Hi @Blainemuffin, we are still deciding how often we release new ones. The old ones may return if there is a large demand.

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Hi I purchased the resaurcher couple days ago but skin hasn’t changed. I still see my techsaur with eye mask on. Is that normal?

Hi Fuzzytofu,

Can I please have your game ID to further investigate? The ID is found on the game settings page.

Thank you!

Hi my ID is vn229yz2p Thank you

Hello I also purchased Resaurcher and don’t have an updated skin, can you check on mine too? Game ID: FnFxsVPd@

Here are screenshots of my saur shop and main screen.

Here is the second screenshot.

@sakko303 @Fuzzytofu

Sorry for the troubles caused. I’ve sent the skin to your account. Could you claim it in the message section?

Thank you!

Got it! He’s adorbs!


I’m having the same issue as well i.e. my techsaur is without the resaurcher skin. My ID is vC7nzUDd!. Thanks.

Hi crabsticks,

I’ve re-issued the skin to your account. Could you claim it in the message section? Thank you!

Got it! Thank you. :slight_smile:

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Hello, I’ve bought the Techsaur skin (the one for 500 rubies), and now the techsaur is back to sleeping…
Kaze Lav - YPiv!e8Pd

Hi Kazeodori,

Did you purchase the Techsaur during its free trail period? It had a 1 hour counting down time.

Also, did you just purchase the Techsaur skin? Or did you also purchase the Resaurcher skin as well?

I bought the Resaurcher!
Mine is sleeping.
what do I do?

What’s the point to paying $$ if the feature is locked! :frowning:
If it can’t be used, it shouldn’t be available for purchase.