Won't connect with fitbit

Hi, I just start playing this game and it won’t connect to Fitbit. Every time I open de app is get this notification: 'Please authorize Fitbit to sync steps’
And when I click on ‘Oke’ it opens my browser and there I get this notification: ‘open with pocket plants’

So how can I connect with Fitbit?

I’m having the same issue. I would love some help with this!

I am having the same problem this app will not connect with my Fitbit account. It has always been a problem for me as it never connected during the trial phase either.

@Yasmin_Verheijen @nishtabel @Anne_Long
Hi all,

We are preparing an update to improve the Fitbit connection and syncing issue. Please stay tuned for that let us know how you guys go with it.


It is Working :slight_smile: my fitbit is connected

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