I don’t understand how to play the game. I focus, get coins, and have it automatically build on areas I marked for clearing. I progress through the Level goals (Stone Age, Bronze Age (current)) then resettle somewhere else. I can’t click on the resettle rewards so I don’t even know if they’re useful. I’m making my way through the Civilization tab by resettling as soon as I finish all the Level goals.
I tried the Wonder stage after resettling once but it would’ve taken forever and I already hit the level goal so I resettled again and got 0 rewards for it.
My ultimate goal is to progress through the Civilization tab and eventually discover a few places on the Wonders tab under Archive. Am I doing the game wrong? I feel like I’m resettling too often and losing my whole town really sucks each time I do it. There isn’t too much info on the game and I found 0 guides on strategy.
Question 2: Am I supposed to cut gather tree and rock to make little mirrors and axes and such to sell when I get commercial buildings or am I building axes so I can cut trees faster so I can clear plots faster?
Same! It really sucks to lose the whole town after resettling. I wish we could see how our towns are doing. I know that resettling essentially means progressing in human history evolution, and you can’t go back, but maybe if we clicked in the Civ tab and clicked one civ, we could see how that town ended up before we resettled.
On the strategy bit, no idea, I just click buttons lol.
Okay, so I am following this because a lot of information is lacking and tips and tricks are no where to be found. However I wanted to share something I just discovered.
So I am in a town with 2 other people building the coloseum, however they do sh*t, so I am building the coloseum… Anyways, I have a lot of meat and hay but no wood because it automaticly goes to other production buildings… So I changed the setting for automatic buildings (in the town hall) on inactif. I removed ALL the production building that used wood to make something else, so now I can collect wood and level up my town and provide villagers via the requests with wood. If I need the other things (carriages, speers, etc) I will just put the building back.
If there is another way to keep some sort of minimum wood, and only access wood goes to production that would be awesome…
Thank you for your feedback. We are working on a feature to help you manage your macro better. Please stay tuned!
Hi, thank you for reaching out. You are doing it right. In the end, the game is about progressing in the Civ tab while collecting everything (wonders, diplomacies, and etc)
Thanks for sharing. It helps me a lot.
The learning curve is kind of steep, but I think I’ve found a few tips. Donating to the wonder and sacrificing on the altar both give you unique materials, which you can then use to unlock things in the archive. You don’t have to build a wonder fully to get it in the archive, which is interesting - you spend the special items. I believe unlocking things grants you special bonuses so your next town goes faster.
There’s also a lot of benefit to upgrading your building cards, and drawing more so you can max out your buildings. That can take some time but you can build bigger over time.
I just maxed out the civilization at level 10 so I hope they release new levels soon. I haven’t even been able to start a town in bronze age but I’m looking forward to it.