Want to join a Guild - here we are 😊

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Guild ID: kbzw97zg
The Walkers

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Join our guild and let’s grow it together!

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Join our guild Titans need active players small guild

Just joined. New to the game but this is up my alley top get me off the sofa

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Lol!! Welcome. We are small but hopefully growing.

How do I find you? Level 110 daily user sick of inactive guilds! :grin:

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My guild is Titans. Let me take a screenshot! Here it is.

I know, but why aren’t you on my list of guilds?

I literally cannot find a way to join your guild?

Might be on different servers.

How do I change server?

If you change servers, you start from scratch. I don’t think that’s what you are looking for.

Fair enough, odd that though. Good luck anyway :blush:

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I’ll find you. What’s your ID

Don’t worry, it seems I’m on the tablet server so it’s all different. Thanks anyway!

That’s cool. Hope u find a good team. How do I change servers w/out losing my info? I’ve done that n wham lost.

I didn’t click on it, but there’s a server option under the settings account

Which server u on? Maybe I should join u.

The guild is so slow! People join then leave! Wish we could communicate on there.

I’m on power tablet, and got into Lost Soles - it’s the top guild, and has reached full check ins every day since I joined :blush: