Unable to convert the steps

I have an iPhone6s and I install the game this morning,but l can not convert the steps in the evening.when I try to use steps, the game will turn itself off. I have reinstalled it once,but the problem still exists.


I am having the same issue and it is frustrating cause it slows down gameplay

Also not working on my phone. When tapping step it kicks me out of the game. Have also uninstalled and reinstalled

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I also can’t convert the steps too. The game will close automatically once I press that. Isn’t there any solution for this?

Doesn’t work for me either. Been playing the game for a while and this is the first time it has happened. Redownloading does not help.

same here (iphone 5s)

Same here. Android, using an S7. Game doesn’t close but when I click on the “shoe” nothing shows up under “Convert.”

Same, iPhone 6 , game closes itself

Update: 3/19/17: converting steps worked briefly again yesterday, I was able to get to the page, but didn’t try to convert as am trying to save steps. However, now I’m unable to open the conversion page. Clicking the sneaker shuts down the game.

Same problem as well with my iPhone 6S. Game crashes when I try to access it. :confused:

Same here. iPhone7, I’ve been playing the game for a few weeks. I noticed there was an update the other day, ever since the update I can’t convert my steps. When I click the shoe in the upper right hand corner, the game closes, crashes, whatever. It’s probably because of the update. PLEASE FIX!!!


We had an update and now there are no buttons to convert steps.

Same problem here. Game crashes or closes each time I try to access Steps. Game was working fine until yesterday. Playing on iPhone 7.

Edit: Game is working fine now.

Me neither… iPhone6
Before everything was okay, but from couple days ago I couldn’t convert my steps either…

I also am having the issue where i am getting kicked out of the app when trying to convert steps. Iphone 6s

@SimplyMe @Klmd4 @AC_Slayer @KWojcik @Amy_J @Skylar_Lee

We have sent fix builds to App Store and Play Store. We are now waiting for approval. Hopefully it will be released this week. Thank you for your patience and supports!

Me either…uninstalled and reinstalled, but didn’t work at all…

I too am having this issue, game crashes every time I try to open the steps menu.

Same issue, iPhone 6Plus


@Senge @Gtjoachim @ms45 @Maneriar

We have sent fix builds to App Store and Play Store. We are now waiting for approval. Hopefully it will be released this week. Thank you for your patience and supports!