Two new impossible characters in I league

@Shikudo @marspark
M_light and ? ? ? Formerly oops. Both increasing too fast and with impossible levels of characters plus fitstones. They came out of nowhere and instantly had 150 to 200 level characters and all 6 stars. Some of the chars with 6 stars had to be leveled from base so I just don’t think is possible at this point in the game. Especially since skill kindly indicated one hasn’t even activated his last stand on his Warrior? Let me know if these guys would have been caught by your anti-cheat anyway I will wait longer to say something if that is the case :smile:

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The charachter ??? Changed their arena line up after this post removing their highest level charchtwrs and swapping them out for lower ones (as an FYI)
The below screenshot was their line up an hour ago.

In case m_light does the same while I am at work -

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I think ? ? ? (Oops) also removed some high level gear. They were at 164 before downgrading their arena lineup.


I am 23th rank from 5th. It seems that The ideea of game is to make me buy crystal to go back to 5. Bad owner game strategy :slight_smile:

Yep …see them also


M_light is progressing really nicely :scream::scream::scream: Look at the current level of his last mage: 230, so from lvl 216 to lvl 230 in about 7 hours :scream: Taking into account that conversion rate of steps into the energy is very mean :scream: The question is how they managed to level up their heroes ?! I can understand how they managed to get their gear (lots of crystals & arena shop), but levelling up & evolving their all heroes so high?

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It’s not possible. Even at max steps they wouldn’t hit that at this point. Especially those particular four characters all being 6 stars. There is no way to get that many fitstones since the server opened. They are either a lost test account player, a dev, or there is some way to cheat.

I mean I guess you could buy 500000 crystals… and just go crazy in Arena, but their arena score isn’t high enough to have bought that many fitstones…

It took me a while to recover from evolving the wrong mage first (I would’ve evolved her eventually) even though I used the arena shop as often as I could. Although I didn’t buy any crystals :thinking: recently.

I hope the dev have just been testing the system :thinking:

It looks like ? ? ? Was not removed to the ZZZ league by whatever cheating controls are in place during the season start. They have jumped some of their characters levels quite a bit more in the last few hours. Another screenshot. It just isn’t possible for someone to get the fitstones and energy to evovle and level the particular characters shown to the place they are in this amount of time. And I can’t understand why any player who could somehow manage to do that would leave so much gear at level 1. It looks like someone cheating who has really figured out your cheating controls or something.

@marspark It looks like M_Light changed their name to Rickyone. I don’t see how it’s mathematically possible to have leveled up their characters as fast as they have. What annoys me is that they keep trying to join my guild (Ramblers). I would much prefer to reserve spots in the guild who are playing fairly. Can you look into this?

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@Jax nope, they are in the same league as you & their mage has been levelled up to lvl 156 :thinking:

As I said they were not removed and placed in the ZZZ league (the cheaters league!) where they belong. I am so very aware they are in my league right now! Especially after the damage they did in I league at the end of last season. Hoping the devs take care of them before they add more levels and start beating me into Oblivion:-)

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Hi all thank you for your feedback. The have been taken care of. Normally the algorithm will collect data for a period of time to analyse the pattern so suspicious players won’t be banned immediately.