Troubleshooting - Track steps using Apple Watch

[1/2] Check if you have authorized the Health App to read the step count

[2/2] If the step count in the Apple Watch screen matches the Fit Tower’s reading, then it’s all good!

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I an having trouble connecting. I use a Fossil smartwatch which connects to Apple Health. I set Apple Watch as my device. My steps have no trouble connecting to Wokamon, but they don’t connect to FitRPG. My game ID is b2gmmw. Please help - this game is very fun but the whole point of it is to encourage more activity, so I need my step count to sync.

I have a Garmin smartwatch that also syncs my steps with the Health app. Is there any way to use the Apple Watch step counting option with my Garmin?I’ve given Fitness RPG the required permissions but it doesn’t work.

If you are using Android, you can import the steps into Fitness RPG as long as it syncs data with Google Fit

I think you right. My point of view is same.