Tournament group selections. How does it work?

Just wanted to understand better how this works. In the fitland server I lost to my opponents quite a bit last season. I still advanced a league.

Is this correct?


I’d like some clarification also please

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Yeah…this new league I’m outnumbered by at least 30 points…which doesn’t seem huge but they are over 100 and I am most certainly not.
Would be interested in seeing why I went up a league even though I was also getting beat down last league (though not nearly as badly, last league was at least a few wins)

The difference you guys are seeing at the start of a new season is typical. You will level up your heroes and equipment over the next 10 days, but the guards will remain at the same combat power.


Ohhh they stay the same? Ok that helps. Cheers!

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I have the same problem too. My power is only at 79k. And then in arena, the average power of my enemies is 150k. How could i win?

Try to refresh the opponents, level up and beat down the guards if other opponent is too advanced for you.

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