TITANS Guild wants you!

Hello everyone,

TITANS Guild is searching for new members! We have 6 spots available right now. We want to be a bigger and better guild so that more people can be part of guild experience. To be able to do that we need active members who can check-in regularly. Only by pressing check-in or Super check-in button everyday you can get loots. With Super Check-in loots get much bigger and it only costs 100 gems. Check-in helps guilds to become bigger and it makes more seats for new members. So if you are an active player we want you to join us! The 120lvl limit is to prevent non active players so if you are under 120lvl but an active player please make an application and write your username here and we can confirm your application from our waiting lists! (ps: if super check-in won’t be a problem for you please indicate that in the message -because we will need more super check-ins to become a bigger guild faster)

Thanks for your time and happy gaming!


Great guild!!! Go TITANS Go!

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We should have a discord server for our guild.


Good idea. Keep me posted.

Posting so I can get a notification for the discord lol go titans!

I have created a server that we can use for now. When the owners of the this guild comes online I will transfer the ownership to them.

Hello my ingame nick is TRIXON and i would really like to join your guild! Im an active player!

I sent in an app! Hoping to get in. Very active and will super check in every day!