Super Pass/shop problem

Firstly congratulations. Very good game…
However, today I decided to buy super pass as I needed more diamonds to buy mystery ring from shop, I got message with extra 600 diamonds, bought ring, upgraded it… everything went fine. Now I logged on to game and ring is back to shop, I got no extra 600 diamonds, cannot buy it as there isnt message with extra 600 diamonds in mailbox… strange situation. Please fix it.

My game Id: re56bq

Thank you.

I just bought another gift pack to get 500diamonds. So don’t worry about that transaction. Just give me back 600
diamonds. Thanks

Hi Developers
I am still waiting for my 600 diamonds…

Hi Dominik,

Sorry to keep you waiting. I’ve sent the diamonds to your account. Can I please ask which version are you using the newest version v1.0.4 when the rollback occurs?

Please let me know!
