Super Pass Reward Collection Freezing

Both yesterday morning and this morning, I’m having problems with my reward collection. The app freezes in the process and I have to close it and reopen, only to find all the rewards are gone. Yesterday it froze after I hit the “Watch Ad” button, but before the ad started. Today it froze at the end of the ad. That’s ~70k silver and ~275 ancient runes lost, not a small amount, especially since I watch the ads so that’s an additional ~28k of silver lost. This has only happened after the current upgrade.

When I restarted the app this morning and used the super pass magnet to collect the rewards, instead of collecting the 35k silver that had accumulated over the last 12 hours, it only collected 6k silver and 6 ancient runes- so random.

Thankfully, no freezing during the reward collection this morning. However, this afternoon, after 8.5 hours- no rewards had even accumulated! I had left the app running so it must have frozen in the background? I can’t understand it. I’ve had no issues with reward collection during my 2.5 months of play up to this point and now I’ve missed out on one “max” reward collection (>8 hours between collection times) every day since the recent update.

Same problem, haven’t opened the app for half a day and then when I tapped that magnet I only got a few coins and 6 medals… I had this happen in the morning too when I left it overnight but I thought it’s just a one time glitch, but now that it happened again I think there is something wrong

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I had exactly the same problem yesterday… no silver, no coins… today is ok but yesterday was a drama…

Hi guys, can I please grab your short ids so we can investigate? Thanks for your patience!

@Kuhz, can you please try to click the ‘save game’ button and let me know when it’s done? And please let me know if it happens again after that

Re56bq. The same problem again. No coins or whatsoever ATM…

It happened again today, this time with just over 4 hours between collection times. Glad I’m not the only one, I felt a bit silly for bringing it up!

The first three days it happened for this account:

Today it happened for this one:

Hi guys, do you all have super pass?

I do, for both of my accounts

Yes. I do. I have super pass

Thank you all for your help and patience. We’ve found the issue.

We are preparing for a large feature update tonight (finally) and will include the fix in it. We’ll send out compensation after the version is rolled out. In the meantime, you can click the resource individually (don’t use the magnet) to collect resource.

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Mark, the same problem again. Just logged on to game. 0 silver anywhere with no possibility to collect…

None ancient runes as well. Another 56 runes lost. It’s now over 300 runes I lost in last couple of days…

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I am having the same problem. Everytime i try to collect my rewards there are none to collect. Its been going on for 3 or 4 days now.

Hi guys, @radiocricket @Kuhz @Dominik_Dziedzic @Topher

The issue has been fixed in v1.1.0. Please send me game id so I can forward the compensation for the trouble you’ve gone through!

Thank you for your patience.

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Iqmy nr id:Re56bq thank you

The update is great! LOVE Dark Rush!

I experienced the bug in both my accounts:

Experienced the problem mainly for this account:

Happened once for this account:

Game Id: r2x2jv
Thank you. Love the dark rush update!!

Game ID: zjkg2p

Thank you for the update!