Pomodoro Timer Not Resetting After Completion


I’m facing an issue where the Pomodoro timer doesn’t automatically reset after completing a session. After a 25-minute work session, the timer just stops & I have to manually reset it for the next round. :upside_down_face:

This issue has been occurring intermittently. Sometimes the timer resets fine; but other times it just freezes or stops without resetting. :innocent:

I’ve checked the app settings & auto-reset is enabled, but it still fails to work consistently. :thinking: Checked How do I fix my Pomodoro Timer? - Code Feedback - The freeCodeCamp Forum Okta guide for reference .

I’m using the latest version of the app, and my device is up to date as well.

Has anyone else faced this issue? Any suggestions on how to fix the auto-reset function?

Thank you !