Plants keep increasing in raindrop cost

I noticed the only way to increase focus rate per 5 min is through gardener cards, or some visitor (and collecting musics).

But as the plants keep increasing in cost, wouldn’t it reach into the million while our focus session rate is limited by the cap on gardener cards and visitors. Then it would be an impossible goal to get all plants in the game within any reasonable time.

Shouldn’t there be another way to increase focus sesison rate? I have been exchanging all cards into voucher to upgrade gardeners and my rate is at about 5k/5 minutes. Something like every stage 2 plant increase raindrop rate by a bit would already be helpful.

Also, is there anyway for me to extract vouchers from already upgraded gardeners? I found the feature a bit later down the game and I do regret upgrading some gardeners that I didn’t need. Currently I’m working at upgrading the gardener for reducing raindrop cost for watering plants (santasaur or chunlisaur) to help it somewhat.

Hi, thank you for reaching out. We are planning some new features that increase focus rewards. Please stay tuned!

Yes, it seems like it will reach an impossible level of raindrop costs to plant or level up plants. But it won’t. In a few months, I was able to plant and grow all 200 plants to level 7. And in the meantime, I discovered that the real difficulty was waiting for the nursery orders needed to get the plants to Stage III.
So my advice is: as soon as possible, unlock all three nurseries and prioritize using raindrops to fulfill those requests over new plant activities.
Since you can only collect 50 requests per nursery, if you only fulfill them when you’re done planting, you’ll have to wait a looooong time to collect new requests.
Also, the raindrop costs for those requests will increase with the number of plants you have.

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ótima dica! obrigadaa

I see. What was the highest raindrop cost you’ve got to plant the 190-200th plant and the cost to water it?

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Em média no total de 100k gotas