Nursery cost and skipping

I know these are a lot of hard questions, so no need to answer all of them. I would appreciate even minor input :slight_smile:

Does the average raindrop cost in the nursery increase depending on how many plants you have and which level they are?

I also read somewhere that you are eventually gatekept by the amount of nursery requests available rather than raindrops or essences accumulated. Is that true? If the cost keeps increasing, shouldn’t you be gatekept by the cost instead?

And do the amount of nursery requests stored influence the cost? (e.g.: Is the average cost different if you have 1 request pending or 50 requests pending?)

Also, sometimes I am able to watch an ad to skip a nursery request, but sometimes I am not. What are the preconditions that need to be active? Are maybe only some kind of nursery requests skippable?

hey! It’s happening the same for me.

I don’t quite understand well how nursery works, I already have most of my plants at level 2 but only 3 at level 3 because of this. Now the raindrops needed are huge and the skip button doesn’t even work as expected most of the times. I don’t understand what are the nursery request on how they affect the raindrops/evolution.