My friends can get more planets than I can

I play with an android, my friends have Iphones, and can get a lot more worlds than I can as they can win them from the lottery. All I can win from the lottery is food and clothes, and I mostly get food.

Hi @Krasjmad ,

Firstly our apologizes for not evening the gaming experiences across different devices. Wokamon’s Android development has fallen behind since our only Android developer resigned a few months back. Our iOS developer takes it over and he finally has some free time after Pocket Plants’ development. Please stay tuned for some Android updates in the next few weeks but please understand it takes a lot of time before the Android version catches up with the iOS version because he’s not familiar with the programming language.


This is the same response I got a few months ago. The android version is still Christmas-themed. What gives? Why should I careally about the app day after day, when the developers appear to have more important games?

I agree development is pretty slow. They could at least throw in some more wokaman or worlds couldnt image that being to technical or difficult