Might vs Magic - balance in game

I play several weeks with and against 6star heroes and notice that there is huge disproportion between mages/warlocks and knights/warriors/rogiem and their total power and therefore of being usefull in battles. Magiczna heroes do MASSIVE damage even with normal attack, there set of active speels is even more devastating. And then we have heroes with hand weapons with their weak normal attacks, not so impressive HP and complitly useless special attacks.
Only Berseker LAST STAND is adding something positive to battle.
I’m using hero with WRATH skill and for about week I’ve NEVER seein this skill in action!
Is this a proper balance?
Lol and I just found that topic title must have atleast 15 characters. Why?


Hi @Greg_Blueye, thank you for your feedback. We are monitoring the tournament results and tweak the balance accordingly. This will be an ongoing process and we really appreciate for your feedback and patience!

Tx for reply. I understand that game is still developed and under some process of balance.
Yesterday I saw WRATH for first time in action and today again! but against warrior with LAST STAND and I see now, that Last Stand is stronger because this hero didnt die instantly