Master on both servers

I play both servers …be happy to see you newbies on either or both :blush:
Fitland Rxebz
Fittower z7m8z

Hi Jarred … thanks for linking up with me (:+1:levelling up 26/8) … and Charlie (:+1: on levelling up 26/8) ! and Freefall
First tip … don’t “waste” too many crystals buying equipment
And hello Kim and Simon and meepp2, Max, Miracle :wave:
Hello Eladrim and Ola

Edit: Got ya! :slight_smile:
Anyone else keep seeing ‘cannot find player’?

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Hi :wave: you must be Mila ! Thanks for joining up with me :blush:

Hi to apprentices :wave: suggestion
Use your crystals to buy high star hero’s when they are reduced by 20%…I bought low star ones and it takes forever to level them up :woman_facepalming: Definitely go for a Mage

Any newbies please do join … we both get rewards
:+1:Max for levelling up 27/8
Hello Dr Death !
And hello my newbie from China maybe ? I’m so sorry I can’t read your screen name but welcome :blush: