Lotto didn't reset today

Id: rkvmj9

It seems that if you do say 15k steps one day, then purchase lottery up to that limit, you have to exceed the 15k next day to triggger being able to buy again (in 2k leaps) from 0
I know I won’t do many steps tomorrow so have only bought up to 6k today and hopefully tomorrow can buy 3 lottery …if I bought up to the 15k I’d have to exceed it to buy any …doesn’t seem sensible @Shikudo ?

Sorry this is my first time doing the lotto thing so I’m new to it. I actually did end up exceeding my steps from yesterday but it still isn’t getting me the option to buy more. I thought you could buy 10 a day, is this actually a bug or just a weird way to do it?

The lottery is a brand new feature for everyone so also finding my way around !
Doesn’t sound right …if you did 20k steps, bought 10, next day I think as long as you exceed 20k, you should be able to buy 10 again

Yeah I think it’s bugged, hopefully they’ll fix it soon. Didn’t reset again today either. Sounds like I’m not the only one having this problem…

[quote=“Doreen, post:4, topic:5092”]
if you did 20k steps, bought 10, next day I think as long as you exceed 20k, you should be able to buy 10 again
[/quote] Yes, you should, but unfortunately it didn’t work like that for me. Got 20k on Tuesday, bought 10 tickets, the step count didn’t reset on Wednesday. I managed to get 20k again, but I wasn’t able to buy any tickets.
This week, I’m not buying any lottery tickets :thinking:. I have better use for crystals.