Leaving a guild and lottery

@Shikudo what happens to your lottery tickets if you leave a guild :thinking: Maybe best to wait until first lotto ?

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You would lose the tickets you bought when you leave a guild.

There is a bug in the lottery system. Lottery draw should take place every Sunday, but apparently it’s set to every Thursday (Beijing time). This means the first lottery has already been drawn and you can leave the guild anytime now.

We are going to fix the draw time bug in the next couple of days.

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[quote=“Shikudo, post:2, topic:5057”]
This means the first lottery has already been drawn and you can leave the guild anytime now.
[/quote] @Shikudo I have some winning tickets (1 set of 4 out of 18 sets :joy::joy::joy:) , but I can’t see that the lottery prize was delivered to my mail box. Could you confirm that lottery prizes were actually sent out, please.

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Can I please grab your game ID?

Could you also send over some screenshots of your lottery result pages showing the 18 sets you bought?


My ID: zjqpmx (Fitland) Actually I might’ve misread & I won nothing at all. Also I have 18 sets on the second server :scream:


ID: z3gmny (FitTower)

Btw, yesterday I was not able to buy any tickets at all despite getting 20.5 k steps later evening.

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Was there any error messages? Can you buy any tickets at all yesterday?

You can get 10 tickets maximum each day.

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@Shikudo There were a few strange things :thinking:. I created a topic about my problems with the lottery & posted several screenshots

Here screenshots of those screenshots with the time when the screenshots were taken at the top.
Yesterday: Wednesday the 5 Sep (couldn’t get any tickets at all.
Today : Thursday the 6 Sep
Tuesday the 4th Sep is the day I got my first 20k & bought 10 lottery tickets without any problems.

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