Issue after update

After the update this morning my player power in arena dropped 100k but other folks’ is the same, my player stats are all the same but each player strength rating went down 20-30k but each individual skill is still the same. Help please.


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It was 640.44k pre-update and now it’s down to 536k… to clarify, and each individual player is down but all skills are the same. Opponents are all still where they were pre-update.

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Me too. My Arena team’s power was 600 and now it’s down to 512. My Priest’s power reduced dramatically. Also the Priest’s holy shield now only projects one team member not two. :unamused: my user ID is rex2nz

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Mage is weaker.

And duplicated rings can only be counted as one rather than two


That really sucks. They really need to refund us the silver from duplicate rings. I now need to sell 180 level rings to get back the bonus and level up a new ring. So a level 180 ring sells for 47k. Now I need to find a new ring and make up the difference of about 130k to get it back to level 180 again. Changes like these really should entail some type of refund for the full upgrade costs. It’s even worst for folks who spent actual gems to evolve their rings.


I totally agree! My duplicates are evolved up to 240… so the blessing stone cost is way more annoying to me than the silver, which is still a bummer but I’m out thousands of blessing stones if this is the new normal… literally, thousands of blessing stones over two players. It it was a bug or something to duplicate rings we should have been warned if that was getting taken away. Garbage update on a few levels.

Battles in hell mode are harder. I was unable to defeat a level where I previously had 3 stars. After several unsuccessful tries, I used loot to get the daily reward.

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Hi guys, we didn’t change any power calculations except fixing the duplicate ring bug. Can you please confirm the power rating drop and increased difficulty in hell mode are caused by duplicated rings?

We would like to compensate for some of the losses due to level up or evolve duplicated rings. Please let me know your game id and the name of the rings.


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Duplicate evolved Mage Ring of Radiance, Duplicate Gem of Demons, I’m not sure how to confirm the power drop… I am in League B, I was ranked #1 last season, my power was 640.44 and now it’s low enough I technically can’t compete in the league… it’s almost 100k lower.

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I removed all equipment from my heroes and then auto equipped them and my power changed from 519 back to 600. I did not have any duplicate rings or gems. Also my Priest’s holy shield is working again.

Unfortunately when I close the game and open it again my power is back down to 519 and I have to do it all again. :pensive:

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Where it is now… yesterday it was 640.41 and obviously I’ve gotten whooped pretty bad in league today (still number 2 rank) but there’s some loss with that.

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Removing and re equipping changes power but resets after leaving game.

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Yes! If I take everything off and put it back on my power goes back to normal, but it doesn’t stick.

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Exact same problem. Please help!

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If I unequip everything and put it back on it goes to this, but if I leave the game it goes back to everything lower as seen in the other screenshots.

So you can see where I’m normally at versus after the drop… 645 to 562k

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Thank you guys for your feedback. I’ll get our QA involved in this but personally I suspect it’s just a display bug. I’ll let you know if this will effect your actual damage output after I get an update.

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Same happening for me :pensive:

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To save your QA some time, here is what I found out

This is after I relaunched the game

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This is after I reequipped the items


  • Bug is not a display issue, you need to fix it ASAP
  • main bug is that the 1st effect(2 set item) of the Set items is not being reflected after relaunching the application, user needs to reequip the items for it to reflect.
  • this occurs on all set items