I can't access my storage!

I can’t add plants to my storage from the grass level. Imonthe desert level and it works there, but not on my previous level. Any recommendations??

Hi Jschellh,

Have you updated the latest version v2.1.4? Which phone are you using? Also, can I please grab your game ID to further investigate?


I’m assuming I’m on the latest, since there’s no updates in the App Store.
I have an iPhone 5 and my user name is Mn+He9w4B.

Thank you!

Hi Jschellh,

Sorry for the delayed reply. We were having difficulties reproduce the issue on our side. While we continue to look for the bug, would you like to update the game to the latest version? V2.1.6 is now available in App Store and please let me know the new update makes any difference. Thanks!