Prod buildings uses resources to produce some tools that do not look useful currently and produces dev points.
Is it possibe to turn off production of tools to get only dev points. I need coal and wood to upgrade city and other things, while tools are now useless.
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I’m at a similar place. What I do is just destroy any of the tool producing buildings to build more resource gathering buildings, since there’s no cost to destroying. Yeah, I lose a bit of focus time, but that’s not a huge deal.
Loving the game so far.
Check if you can stop tool production and focus resources on dev points or upgrades.
I did the same, I also put ‘automatic building’ setting off, so I will build the things I want
Do you know if you can add friends to the game so you can start a town with friends? Searched everywhere but could not find that option.
Thank you for reaching out. We are working on a feature to help you manage the macro of the game. Please stay tuned!