Help! My steps have disappeared

I just reached 10k steps! And instead of receiving my prizes, my steps were reset to 0. I wondered f it had to do with the fact that I hadn’t upgraded my storage to 20k steps yet- so I did that. But I still have 0 steps. I have screenshots of y achievements that show I have reached levels of achievement from lots of energy for steps.

Sorry to know you are having the issue with Pocket Plants. Please tell us your game ID and what resource you would like to convert those steps into, we will manually convert them for you.

Also We are preparing an update to fix the step missing issue. Please stay tuned for that and let us know how you go with it. :slight_smile:

Thanks so much! Glad you’re working on the step counter because it’s a great feature.
My user is is MnvN2Nd$g.
I was really looking forward to those 130 amethysts from 10k steps so conversion to amethysts would be great.
Thanks for the help!!

Thank you for your understanding and support! I’ve converted the steps into amethysts just now. Please go to Friend/Message page to claim them. :slight_smile: