GoodBye well for now at least

Hey all,

May come back some day but for now I am leaving my guilds and signing out. Hope you all have fun!

May the game force be with you.


Don’t worry if you used my master code nothing bad should come to you by having me missing!


Oh no! I was hoping to maybe catch up with you someday in Twin Peak. I’ve enjoyed reading your posts on here. Hope to see you back here before too long.

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It seems I am forces by shikudo to left too. After patch I cant enter in my 2 accounts. :))

Oh no! You’re one of my (only) three apprentices on Twin Peak. I’ll keep your spot in Ramblers until you know if this can be sorted out. Hope you get back in!

Good luck :four_leaf_clover: I know I miss your posts & your strong teams.

Do you have now 30 apprentices? I can’t find you as master.zn82k8 with my new account:)))

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Oh no :scream::scream::scream: Have you e-mailed @marspark. Maybe there’s a way to get your accounts back?

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Tnx to your advice, I messaged @marspark

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Nope - just three. Here’s my code again if you want to try.


The game is so unbalanced

And you will have no more then 3 since your master code is broken. I tryed 3 times using writing and copy/paste. Rain ( wild) code worked.

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Luna, kick out skill from guild and invite me rdqp9y, pls

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@Jax sad to see you go. Please comeback once a while and see how the game develops. Best wishes :slight_smile: