Get πŸ‘ your πŸ‘ asses πŸ‘ off πŸ‘ that πŸ‘ sofa πŸ‘ and πŸ‘ update πŸ‘ wokamon πŸ‘ for πŸ‘ god's πŸ‘ sake

wokamon barely gets updates. all you care about is pocket plants whatever.

Hi @updtwkmn, we apologize for not updating Wokamon as frequent as Pocket Plants because new games are crucial to the studio financially and we are a fairly small team with only 2 people working on development.

We are already working on a Wokamon update and hope we can release it soon. We are really appreciated for your patience and support!


I’ve played both … switch to pocket plants :blush: Much more fun, still linked to fit bit and rather addictive :joy:

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You promised new Wokemon by the end of May. Still waiting.

Hi @Snigdha_Das,

The version is still waiting for Apple’s approval. Thank you for your patience!


No Android update though? The Android version is already behind the IOS version and now it’s going to be that much more behind? I understand though, as I’ve spent $ in Pocket Plants but I’ve yet to spend it in Wokamon. You need to put your time and energy into what is profitable!