Game Crash - starting ads after buying from shop

Hey Everyone,

I have been buying Moonstones from the Shop whenever they appear.
Since a week or so the game has crashed a couple of times when I want to do start the ads for free diamonds. But it only crashes after I have bought from the store.

Please have a look,
DK (k6rmzk)

To help with the logs, it crashed a minute ago.

Did you connect to any wi-fi? The Play Store or App Store are running the update at the same because the update requires a restart to finish installing the update. So, the Focus Quest will restart to finish installing the update.

I was already running on the latest version. Also, this was the 4th or 5th crash while going through my daily stuff in the game.

Thank you for letting us know. We’ll investigate

Have you found a fix for this? At the moment, this is still happening on a daily basis.

Actually nope, we were never able to reproduce the issue. Also, we don’t know which ‘moonstones’ you were referring so we did tests against every single resource.

Can you please give reinstallation a try? Or clean the app cache to clear potential bad ads?

Please let us know how it goes!

The Moonstone is referring to the star stone in the Focus Quest app. But there is no send log button in the Focus Quest. How did the DKTrue send a log?

There is no way to send log in the Focus Quest app.

I should have cleared up a couple of things.
It doesn’t really matter what I do in the app. As soon as I start the first ad, it crashes. Afterward, I can easily go through all 6 ads without any problems.

I didn’t send any logs. I assumed it would create a log when the app crashes. Sorry for the confusion.

Just to be sure, if I reinstall and clean the app cache, my progress will still be there, right?

@DKTrue Yep, you can make sure by binding one of the accounts in settings. And you can contact me if anything goes south and I can help out as long as you remember your game id.

I did my ads this morning and it hasn’t crashed. Maybe the new update has resolved the issue. I’ll keep you posted when the next crash comes around. If the app doesn’t crash in the next 7 days, consider this as resolved.

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Many a times when I click on any advertisement for the first time during the day, e.g. in Focus Quest, when I click on view ad to get 1 hour focus rewards, my app crashes. Using on ipad. Latest version. Happened a few times.

A reinstall may solve this issue. Sometimes bad ads can be cached in the app data storage.

My app is still crashing, but I have a hard time pinpointing reproducible steps. The crashes have gotten less frequent though since I reinstalled.

Even today, when I clicked on watch video to get 1 hour rewards via Time Jump, my app crashed. Will reinstall, and confirm if it gets solved. Even second time during the day, the same happened.

It does not hang but crashed suddenly. When I updating the app to v0.10.1, the app crashed. Unfortunately, the Focus Quest app was stopped. Sometimes, I failed my focus session when the game crashed on V0.10. It quit me out without pressing the confirm button. So, why I use Focus Plant app to start or end session timer to sync it back to the Focus Quest app. After update to V11.1, the focus session is still not fixed in the Focus Quest app. The app crashed most likely starting from v0.10.

I had failed the focus session due to the app crashing. I have noticed that I had opened the Focus Plant but it didn’t redirect me to the Focus Quest game. I saw the countdown timer end. When I opened the Focus Quest timer, it said the focus session was failed. I did not remove the game from the background. But the ads were not crashing.

When starting ads, the app was crashing once every 2-3 days. Now, for 4 days my app has not been crashing anymore.

Whatever has been done in the background, it improved the situation by a lot.

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