Energy Generated From Steps Achievement

Hi! :slight_smile:
I’ve seen a post earlier about the “Energy generated from steps” achievement stopping for a player. The same thing happened to me too before converting 30k steps into amethysts. It was my first time converting steps into anything, because the counter didn’t quite add the correct steps before the last update (I believe). Ever since, the correct steps are added (so happy about that :yum:), but the achievement counter stopped.
Game ID: Fn8KK99xg
Phone: Samsung Galaxy S7
OS: Android 6.0.1
@marspark Could you look into it for me please? Thank you! :blush:

Hi Renata,

Thank you for the feedback. Our devs are looking into the issue and hopefully, we find the cause and fix it in our next updates. In the meanwhile, would you like to try to remove the game from background or switch off your phone and see if it helps?

I’ve turned it off mltiple times before, and it doesn’t do the trick. I’ve seen that converting steps again made it work for the other player who reported the problem, so I’ll try doing that in the future :relaxed:

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