Deleting weak heros

Can you delete double weak heros, and if so, how??

I’m fairly new to this game so there may be far better advice…
You can have as many hero’s as you like so take off their equipment and leave them “naked”?! Then just ignore them
I’ve also completely swapped equipment on two of mine by taking everything off and changing back and forth to get a better hero

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As @Doreen suggested, you can just leave the weak heroes by removing their equipments. We’ll keep introducing new features so you can also benefit from having weaker heroes.

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Thanks for the suggestion. I am doing that now, but I still want to get rid of them. I hate clutter and having to sort through them… Especially since we can’t rearrange them either! Thanks for responding, and have a wonderful day!!

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The extra heroes can be handy as a way of storing extra gear outside of your bag.

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