Dark Rush bug- Challenge immediately ends

I tried to play the new Dark Rush last night and I never fought a wave, instead, I immediately got this:

I thought that maybe I did something and didn’t realize it so I paid 240 crystals for the challenge again and had the same thing happen:

I have one more challenge left but am not going to risk 600 crystals.

I’m having the same problem today, not being able to take a Dark Rush challenge. The other thing I found was that I can’t build teams. Oddly enough, this is only for my Fit Tower account, I’m having no problems with my Fitland account. So odd. At least today, since I’ve done this particular Dark Rush challenge before, it gave me rewards based on my last highest score.

I took videos of it today but can’t upload them to this message.

Problem has not been resolved yet. Now I see that Team 2 and Team 3 have a lock symbol over them. If Team 2 is selected, it says I need to pass 12 waves to unlock. If Team 3 is selected, it says I need to pass 25 waves to unlock. However, I still can’t participate in any of the challenges. I don’t understand why this is only for my Fit Tower account and not my Fitland one. For my first team, there are no heros shown, just white squares with a combat power of 2000 being shown even though there are no heros. Once in this screen, I can’t exit. I have to close the app.

I’d love if this could be fixed soon as I’d like to earn those extra rewards!

@radiocricket thank you for reporting the issue. Please let me know your Fit Tower game id and we’ll investigate. Thanks!

@marspark, thanks, my Fit Tower ID is rxmynm

I think it must be account related and not app related? Hopefully you can figure it out!

Tonight, I was able to challenge the Denial Corps in Dark Rush, however, I only had one hero. I escaped the challenge and selected the Team button and saw the same thing, my Group 1 was all blanked out and Groups 2 and 3, while they did have “+” to add heroes, no heroes appear at the bottom and tapping the “+” does nothing. Whenever I enter into the Team window, I can’t exit, I have to close the app.

I then switched over to my Fitland account and was able to add and remove heros from my team, exit the window and participate in the challenge, just to demonstrate it’s only my FitTower account that’s effected:

Any ideas? I’d really like to earn the rewards from the Dark Spirit Corps challenge tomorrow.