Could we sell duplicated gears in one key?


Please kindly consider to add this function to sell duplicated gears.
It is hard to manually checking the gear names one by one.
I prefer to just keep one of its kind each for suit gears. Thus heros can change suits when I like :slight_smile:
It is hard to arrange them.


I’m very hopeful this feature is available in a future update. Even better would be the ability to “pin” pieces of equipment and then have an “empty bag” function which sells all equipment that’s not been pinned.


pinned or favorites option to not accidentally delete equipment sets


And it will be very interesting if 5stars equipment can give more money than 4 stars (and 4 stars more than 3 stars etc). 100 pieces is very cheap when we are advanced in the game. :confused:


To mark a favorite gear: your could try to lv up the one at least once.
Only lv 1 gears stay at the bottom.
It is easier for manually sorting

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I do the same for now but it would be nice to lock it down still.

I’ve seen in update information that :
« - increase silvers when selling advanced equipments »

I was quite happy. But when I’ve tried, I haven’t seen any change.

5stars (legendary include), 4 stars etc. It’s always 100 silver per equipment.
It’s normal ? Maybe i have not well interpreted the message in update description.

Thx for your answer.


I’ll confirm tomorrow. Actually I was just told by our game designer to put that in T_T


Haha. Ok. ;D
Thx a lot for your reactivity.

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Maybe an option to sell gear straight from the loot screen for completing a level? I find myself leaving my inventory full just to auto-sell, as things are now.

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And it was better before. Because now there is a warning message each time when the bag is full. We have to click on « cancel » each time or we are forced to enlarge bag. :confused: (The auto sell is enough and already a warning message. ^^ »)