Can't add friends via text input

Hi, when I try to add friends via the text input, it says “missing params, try again later”. It’s been this way since before the latest update.

user id: vnccWaFep

Hi sunshineghosts,

We looked into your account and there were no abnormalities. Could you try delete and reinstall the game and see if that helps?

Before you delete, please save the game with one of these accounts: Google Play / Game Center /Kongregate/Facebook. After the reinstallation, you will need to go through the new player tutorial before you can go to settings and reconnect to one of the above accounts. When you do, there will be a pop-up window asking you to choose between local or cloud saved data. Please choose ‘CLOUD’.

Please let me know how you go with this and if it will resolve the friend adding issue.


Thanks for the quick response! I went ahead and tried the reinstall, but unfortunately the problem hasnt gone away. As soon as I click the button to add a friend with user id, the error message pops up.

Which ID were you trying to add? Can I please grab that and try it on our side?

Also, could you double check there is no spaces before or after the ID when you enter or paste in the text field?
