I have whitelisted google chrome. But still when i visit google chrome during my focus session, focus plant doesnt let me use it by showing the floating window, and makes me return to the focus session.
Please solve the issue.
@Gaurav_Jaiswal Hi, thank you for reaching out. Can you please update the game to v2.4.3? We’ve fixed this issue in that build. Please let us know if the problem is still there.
Hi, the whitelist still does not work for me, I’m using version 2.5.1 on Android
Can you help? Thanks
Hi, thank you for reaching out. Can you please check if you’ve enabled all options in ‘settings -> improve focus’? If you are still failing sessions, please send us a log right after the session is failed via ‘settings -> send log’ and reply to this message with your game id. Thank you for your patience!