Calling all “Olaf”,s!

There are 10 players in my arena league who haven’t given themsleves a name
…so 10 named Olaf :thinking: perhaps a nickname ? :blush:

Interesting… that was the level 60 character in pocket plants who never progressed but started out way ahead! Not a very popular name in my neck of the woods but I came across quite a few Olaf’s in the arena. Must be an inside joke? Best of luck Olaf!

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Olaf is the default name of the main character, and also the name of the ‘King’ in Pocket Plants.


This threw me off at first, too. I kept asking myself: “Why are so many players called Olaf”. Then I created a second account and noticed for the first time, that Olaf was the default player name. But perhaps it would be better to force the players to enter a new name. It’s very confusing to have so many Olafs. I never know if it’s the one I won or lost against on the previous day.


Yes, totally agree ! That’s why I suggested they give themselves a nick name :+1:

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