Arena- Fit Land server

When I try to enter the arena for the Fit Tower server I get a pop-up saying “No Opponent Found”. When I switch servers, I have no problem accessing the arena for the Fitland server. The Arena icon on the home screen indicates the Honor Shop has been refreshed however, I can’t access it.

I get thisbissuebasweel and sometimes I get back my arena challenges. Eventually got them all working when I was using Wi-Fi instead of cell data. U can trybthat

Thanks @Laharl. I’ve tried both cell and WiFi access and still the same thing.

@radiocricket can I please grab your nickname in the arena? Normally it will mean that you are in a bracket by yourself.

Thanks @marspark

ID rxmynm

Ugh, that would make sense and really suck. Last week, I bought the 72,000 Grand Chest of Crystals as that’s the best value (I’m embarrassed to admit how much $ I’ve spend in this app, especially now with two accounts- but good for you Mars and crew!) but wow, how easily you start blowing through crystals when you have so many (I have about 6,000 remaining- yikes)! I was walking on the treadmill, watching a good show and before I knew it, I’d done so many battles in the arena (though I didn’t win them all, I had a 78% win rate). I’d accumulated a good number of Medal of Honors and figured, what the heck, play enough battles to evolve a Hero to 7 stars. I am also playing on the Fitland server and I didn’t realize you needed an advanced powerup for the 7 star evolution before I spent my Fit Stones on something else. I was feeling a bit bad for missing that opportunity and then blowing my remaining Fit Stones without realizing it on replacing skills I didn’t want to replace. I wanted to make up for my Fitland mistakes in Fit Tower. I decided that I’m more than halfway there and still have lots of crystals remaining, I might as well go for it.

@radiocricket I’ll add some bots this afternoon so you can continue your progress in the Arena. Please check it back in a few hours time.

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@radiocricket Thank you for your support! The bots have been added to your league. Please let us know if you still have any issues.


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Thank you @marspark and @Shikudo, I can play again! <3 <3 <3

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