Area 4 not generating hourly items

Not sure if this is expected behavior. All the other areas produce coins and gems, except 4. This has been the case since I cleared it, but thought maybe it was a bug until I cleared area 5. No dice. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hi, can I please grab your game id? We’ll check your data. Thank you for your patience!

Game ID is zp34er. Thanks for looking!

Hi, the data looks fine. Are you still missing Area 4 rewards? Do you mind to take a screenshot when you click on the Area 4 building? Thanks!

When I tap the 4th building, nothing happens. There has never been a bubble above the building like the rest. Kinda hard to tell in the screenshot, but areas 3 and 5 are ready to collect, but 4 has no bubble.

The area 4 building is labeled Twin Peak and has a bubble near the bottom of your screenshot (that’s not the area 3 building, which is labeled Pump Garden). All the buildings that you can collect from have labels.


Got it! I should have counted. Thanks for clarifying!