PLEASE only allow ads that have a sound off option. I listen to podcasts while playing, and when an ad comes on, the podcast stops. If there’s a volume-off button on the ad, I can press that and the podcast continues. If there’s not, I have to wait until the ad is finished, leave the Wokamon app, go into my podcast app, and press play on the podcast. Then when there’s another ad without a volume-off button, I have to repeat the whole process.
Sometimes I get a blank screen when I say okay to an ad, and the only way to get rid of it is to restart the app (losing my ad bonus)
Sometimes I get an ad with no “X”, so I can’t close the ad, even when it’s finished, and the only way to get rid of it is to restart the app (losing my bonus)
I emailed about this but never got a response. I downloaded the Fitness RPG app and got to level 20, and put in the code, and didn’t get my 500 Topaz. When I tried again, it said “you’ve already claimed the reward for this” or something similar
@LemonZee, can you please share some screenshots of the ads, please? The marspark used those screenshots to forward to their ads providers. Because it might have faulty ads jump from time to time.
@LemonZee, Hi, thank you for reaching out. We are turning off one of the ad providers that may cause the ‘x’ button issue. Can you please try again after 24 hours and see if you are still seeing the missing ‘x’ ad?
Have you connected to Facebook? If so, can you please let me know your nickname and I’ll send over the missing topazes.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience!