Account is gone when changed to new phone

Hi I switched to new phone and tried to make sure I connected to Facebook and Google Play to save my game under the cloud. Unfortunately I cant retrieve my own ID and game progress in the new phone even after I connected to facebook and Google Play using same account, it started as a new ID. Worst case is, when I redownload and opened the game using my old phone, it appeared as the new ID and all my progress is gone.

New ID now is r92n9m. Previous ID is under the name of Jhee (I dont know the ID number) in server 2. I am 1st place at League B hence so be able to find easily.

Please help.

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He was the king of Arena at least for 4 weeks that I know :+1: Please help him quickly!

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If it can help, this a screen of your profil in arena (but there is no id).


thanks guys. What is your master code Murad?

That’s so frustrating! Have you gotten a response yet? They’re normally so responsive! We need you back in here to keep Vamos in check, dude beat me at least 60 times in the last 12 hours. 6-0, not even kidding and he only wins against me about 50% of the time… do the math on that. Team Jhee allll day!

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And this might be a long shot but did you check which server you’re on? We’re in Fit Tower… if I switch to Fit Land everything is gone… it’s under settings and might be worth a shot.

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Thanks, somehow got a partial data loss and need to restart the progress. The dev is kind enough to give me back the resources.For Vamos, more than 60 fights per player in a night is definitely something wrong. Normally i fight 22 fights is already 140 crystal per battle, sure it will go skyrocket if more, not to mention the cost to skip players.