Fitness RPG has won “Best of 2019”! Focus Plants post

ID: 2ynnjg

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I’ve sent 50 sunshines to all the accounts up to this post. You may need to re-open the app to see the changes. Happy focusing!

ID: 8dpjqx

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I love your games!!

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I’ve sent 50 sunshines to all the accounts up to this post. You may need to re-open the app to see the changes. Happy focusing!

Love the game, congratulations!:fire::fire::fire:
Id: j92xxq

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Love the game :heart::heart::heart:
Id: j92xxq

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Id: j92xxq
Love the app, it makes me focus a lot!

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It is really amazing game.


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Focus plant is really useful for studying :slight_smile:
My id : v69g28

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I’m Korean and I’m your big fan! There are many fans in Korea who like your games! It’s late but really congraturate for that. Thank you for making these apps!


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Id - ymvnq8

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Love your game

Id: r32rny

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Parabens!!! :smile:
id: kq7q94

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Congrats :slight_smile:

ID: 8ex827

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I love your game congratulations
ID: m3wm6e

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I love your game ID:m3wm6e

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I’ve sent 50 sunshines to all the accounts up to this post. You may need to re-open the app to see the changes. Happy focusing!

I love Focus plant. My last week was so amazing I finished My 70hrs+ lectures and notes.
ID:- d9jq3z

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