Fitness RPG has won “Best of 2019”! Focus Plants post

I’ve sent 50 sunshines to all the accounts up to this post. You may need to re-open the app to see the changes. Happy focusing!

Hi I love your focus app for studying!

My game ID is


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Congratulations for this app! Love it so much :slight_smile: My id is 5jeemq
Thank you!

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I’ve sent 50 sunshines to all the accounts up to this post. You may need to re-open the app to see the changes. Happy focusing!

Just started the game & so far I like it. Already helped me slow down a bit & focus.
Id: b77gmr

I’ve sent 50 sunshines to all the accounts up to this post. You may need to re-open the app to see the changes. Happy focusing!

congratulate,I like your game

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It’s just the right app in the right moment, i’m so grateful to it because it let me focus a lot!!

Ich liebe Euer Spiel! :smile
Einen herzlichen Dank an Euch :Herz Augen:
ID: 5xj79j

I’ve sent 50 sunshines to all the accounts up to this post. You may need to re-open the app to see the changes. Happy focusing!

Hi, I couldn’t find your id in the system. Can you please confirm the id is from focus plant?

Hi, thank you for reaching out. The id consists of 6 characters and can be found in the settings (right below your nickname).

I love your focus app. It is helpful!
My ID: 5xjzem

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Love your games!
My ID: bqnewm


So happy!!
My ID: bw9p77


Really cute app!!!
Id: b8dr32


Id: b3v63n
Thank you :heart:


I’ve sent 50 sunshines to all the accounts up to this post. You may need to re-open the app to see the changes. Happy focusing!

Love ur game!
I’d : b6m6yr

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your games are nice!
my ID:b2jxm8

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