Fitness RPG has won “Best of 2019”! Focus Plants post

My game is: 4dxdye
Hope I get the gifts

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ID: 946j4n

hi there, sincerely congrats for ur guys!

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I am newcomer of the game focus plant,i really love this game,it helps me a lot~
Id m4vpv3

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Nice game! Helps a lot to focus on my job and home tasks.

Id: q39qye

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Thanks for this game! Enjoying very much.

Id: w67j44

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You are the best!
My ID: e46q78

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Focus Plants is fantastic app, useful and easy to use. When I start the focus session, it block all the app except the system default and whitelisted apps. The whitelisted app can found at the bottom of the time. In addition, it helps me to do other things when I waiting the timer to countdown finished. When I finished a countdown timer, I will saw watch a videos and increase rewards by X2 and the below is the ok buttons. Daliy tasks in the Focus Plant is as same as on the countdown timer but the button name and the percentage increase is different. The Daily Task in the Focus Plant named as Claim button on the top is the watch videos and increase the rewards by X3. The Daily Task is on the beside of the “Rainy The Whale.” “Rainy The Whale” is on the right side of the Focus Plant. The water number is on the up left corner of the Focus Plants. The Sunshine number placed beside the water number. The water number below is the Setting, Handbook, History and the Shop. On the down left corner of the Focus Plant, It has Gardener, Tasks, Focus timer, Nursery and Friends. When I open the Shop, I can collect free sunshine, chest and focus timer and Rainy the Whale by using the videos. It can watch the video on the Resources, Sunshine Shop and free chest, focus timer and Rainy the Whale on the Focus Plants. The sunshine collect the resource of the maximum 18 sunshine per day by using Videos. The Free Chests maximum 3 videos per day. The Focus Timer determine on the timer where you set it. Rainy the whale is just maximum 36 hours. If your timer have timer has left, it will plus up 4 hours into the left timer. If your timer do not have left, that means the Extra Oomph is finished. You need to watch video again to begin the Extra Oomph. Also, The shop refresh maximum to 4X by using the Videos. Nursery and two player mode features are under the development. Settings is use to change avatar, sound, track your saved progress, notice, edit your introduction and sync your mediatation. Handbook is used to discover plants, music and avatar. Shop is used to buy resource or sunshine converted to voucher, water, chest, shovel, music and avatar. You can claim chest in the handbook. Most of the avatars needs to complete puzzle, complete the handbook or get it from shop. Most of the time, the chest full around of the shop. The shop contain different of the chests, musics, avatars, and essences. I am using the newer versions of this app. I am also is the newer player.
My ID:w69wx7


This is my id m4pvp3 ,thxxxx

Good way to control time.

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I’m starting now!


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@Vinislara @Ovo_Angus Hi, we can’t find your game id in our system. Can you please double check? Please note that this is a focus plant promotion so please enter your focus plant’s game id here. Thanks!

I’ve sent 50 sunshines to all the accounts up to this post. You may need to re-open the app to see the changes. Happy focusing!

Hola, la verdad es muy fascinante la app.:blush:
ID: 8gym88

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Muchas gracias👌🏽
ID: 8gym88

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Thank you so much!

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id: nmxnvg

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I’ve sent 50 sunshines to all the accounts up to this post. You may need to re-open the app to see the changes. Happy focusing!

ID: k7gxe4
:star_struck: :star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck:

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Thanks and congrats

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